Student Programs at JRH
The Let’s Film Program offers free comprehensive after school film classes where youth take a hands-on approach to learning how to create short films from pre to post production. Youth who participate in the program learn all aspects of the filmmaking process including acting, sound, lighting, and editing. The youth in the program work together to develop characters and a script, film and edit the final version for a showcase premiere attended by family, friends, and the community. Youth are also challenged to create public service announcements, and take part in the filming of professional documentaries throughout the program year.
Short Films, Big Impact!
Check out some of the short films our students have made throughout the years of being in our programs...

Let’s Film Jr. – 10–13 year-olds are exposed to all areas of filmmaking while creating and filming their own commercials over 10 weeks
Let’s Film – our core program for 14-20 year olds with no filmmaking experience. Youth collectively learn all aspects of filmmaking while as group create a short film from pre to post production.
Let’s Film 2.0 – for advanced students or those students ages 16-20 who have had prior filmmaking experience. Students create a short film from pre to post production, with minimal supervision form staff.
Acting 101 – a ten-week intensive course, for youth ages 14-20 who want to learn or want to polish basic acting techniques.
Photography 101 – a ten-week intensive course for youth ages 14-20 who want to gain or enhance fundamental photography skills.
Music Video Production 101 - a ten-week intensive course for youth ages 14-24 who want to learn the basics of how to produce a unique and inspiring music video to the song of their choice.
Digital Journaling - a 24-week intensive course for youth ages 14-24 to express their creative potential while having the ability to master a broad range of music genres including Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop. Learn how to mix and record your very own songs!
All students will have the opportunity to showcase their work at the end of the program year through either a Student Film Premiere Showcase or Gallery Night presentation, depending on the program.
With the exception of Let's Film Jr., all of JRH Foundation's classes are offered and open to all youth; this includes classes for Spanish speaking only students and juveniles in residential facilities throughout the state of NJ.
For more information and specific times for JRH programs please call (609) 938 - 3673